Professor Robert Hahn is en toonaangevend medische wetenschapper, arts en hoogleraar Anesthesie en Intensive Care aan de Universiteit van Linköping, Zweden.
Hij schrijft een heel interessant artikel, aan de hand van een groot aantal onderzoeken, over bewezen werking van homeopathie. Hij geeft ook een klein inzicht hoe hetzes gevoerd worden.

My Scientific Article on Homeopathy

By Professor Robert Hahn
 (Translated from the Swedish)

Robert Hahn has summed up the meta-analyses comparing homeopathy with placebo in a scientific article published in tidksriften Forschende Komplementärmedizin in October 2013. Robert discusses the background in his article, which essentially builds on three previous blogs.

Almost 3 years ago the association Science and Adult education (VoF) ran a summer campaign against homeopathy. During the political week in Almedalen, there was a bunch of guys in their late teens wearing T-shirts with the text “I am a skeptic” sent by VoF. They ended up on the TV along with astronaut Christer Fuglesang, who one evening was free to argue against homeopathy. It was described as a sham and a racket. The guys said one after the other, that there is not a single scientific study that shows that homeopathy works.

I wondered how these young guys could know this and have the ability and knowledge sufficient to read and evaluate the literature? Absolutely not, was my conclusion.

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